Image Credit: Value for Money, Guts Dance
Choreography: Jasmin Sheppard and Sara Black
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Download your free copy of the Theatre Green Book Australia Volume 1: Sustainable Productions.

Theatre Green Book Australia
Cultivate sustainable theatre practices with our comprehensive Green Book, your go-to resource for eco-friendly solutions in the world of theatre production.
This is a beta version, a foundation to launch an ongoing collaboration with the creative and cultural industry.
The responsibility of sustainability is shared between us all. We need the industry’s support to test and improve the Theatre Green Book Australia, to ensure it is a fit for purpose, relevant and informative.
We are looking to collaborate with users to create case studies, road test the guidelines, check readability and ensure we are putting First Nations first.
contact us to connect, discuss, and provide feedback. We look forward to working together with the creative and cultural industry and climate-positive movement to develop the Theatre Green Book Australia.
What is the Theatre Green Book Australia?
We’re living in a climate crisis. Theatre makers – like everyone else – need to respond to that emergency.
The Theatre Green Book, first launched in the UK has had a major impact on the industry. It is considered a key resource to support the sector transition towards sustainable practices. As the industry globally engages in this transition we need tools and a common language to support effective collaboration whilst also being nuanced to the unique practices that exist within various regions.
The Theatre Green Book Australia utilises the global Theatre Green Book as a base to create a framework that speaks to the Australian theatre industry, whilst enabling practitioners to work within a common framework with colleagues across the world.

Why Customise for Australia?
Over the last ten years Australia has witnessed an increase in devastating floods and bushfires. Our climate is projected to continue to change into the future and will impact our way of life. Within this context, we must be inspired to step up to the challenge and make change.
Adapting the book for Australia is essential due to our unique ecological landscape and the nuances of our theatre industry, including technical terminology, suppliers, certification, regional touring and production practices. This customisation aims to align the Theatre Green Book Australia with our local context, making it a practical and relevant resource for Australian theatre professionals.
The Theatre Green Book Australia utilises the global Theatre Green Book as a base to create a framework that speaks to the Australian theatre industry, whilst enabling practitioners to work within a common framework with colleagues across the world.
Our Team
Grace Nye-Butler and Chris Mercer are working at the forefront of environmental sustainability in the creative and cultural sector, leading innovation and conversation across Australia. Creating and collaborating on resources to innovate and educate the industry towards a greener future. With a unique blend of industry experience and scientific knowledge, Grace and Chris as poised at the intersection of science and art, and ready to support industry wide change.

Grace Nye-Butler
An expert in social ecology and circular economy, Grace applies her scientific expertise with her wealth of experience in stage management and production to create sustainable outcomes for the creative sector.

Chris Mercer
Chris’s passion is integrating and communicating environmental sustainability in the creative, arts and cultural sector. His key focus is in exploring the sectors role to create safe and brave spaces to gather, educate and inspire action on climate change.