Frequently asked questions

Is the Theatre Green Book Australia Free?

Yes, The Theatre Green Book and tool kit is free!

I love this idea! Can we collaborate?

Sure thing! Send us an email to connect.

[email protected]

Is there more to come? I see the UK version has Volumes Two and Three?

Yes, there is much more to come. Right now, we have only finished Volume One. Volumes Two and Three are still in development, looking to be released in 2024. Have an idea or want to be involved? Send us an email!

[email protected]

Do you have a Materials Inventory?

Yes! Check out our resources page for more details.

Do you offer consulting services?

We sure do! Send us an email to see how we can work together.

What should I do if I find a gap in the Theatre Green Book, or can’t work out how to achieve one of the standards?

Get in touch by email! This is a work in progress which needs feedback so we can work together to give theatre-makers the best tool possible for working sustainably. We need your expertise.

Can we publicise that we’re working with the Theatre Green Book?

Yes! Let us know and reach out to download a Theatre Green Book Australia Logo for your production and socials.

Do I have to follow every step in the Theatre Green Book method?

Yes. Unless you’ve already started on the show, in which case work on the elements you can manage.

We’ve already started work on a show. Can it still be made to the Theatre Green Book method?

Yes. You might find it harder to achieve every target, but if the team’s up for it, you’ll still learn a lot – and that’s the real benefit of trialling. No one will judge you if you can’t do everything first time.

When will the final version be issued?

Probably never. But Sustainable Productions will always be a work in progress, as theatre-makers learn and feed back how to work sustainably. We will continue to update the books and these resources as needed.

Do I need to use a Carbon Calculator?

Only for Advanced shows, check out Circulate and Julies Bicycle. For Baseline and Intermediate shows, we recommend a Materials Inventory – an easy spreadsheet which is explained in the Toolkit section.

How can I connect with other theatre-makers using the Theatre Green Book?

Send us an email and we’ll try to connect you with others in your area.

Who wrote the Theatre Green Book?

The UK and original Theatre Green Book was put together by sustainability engineers Buro Happold, with the help of theatre-makers who are listed in the acknowledgements. Final text and communications was by Renew Culture.The Theatre Green Book Australia was written by Grace Nye-Butler and Chris Mercer with consultation with the Creative and Cultural community in Australia.